We’re counting down Justin, Scott, and Spiegel’s top 40 moments of 2023!

Today we have numbers 20-11, and this batch includes some memorable ones including “Officegate”, Joe trying on the… Starfish ring, and an interview with Brandon Novak!

20. Officegate

We all remember Spiegel’s drama when it came to getting himself an office.

Well, it played out over the course of many weeks, and we have every “episode” of it right here for you!


19. The Starfish Ring

This ring in question is for… well, you can find out on your own by watching the video.

Take a look at Joe as he becomes the test subject for the ring’s features!


18. Travel For Sex

The guys talk with callers about those days where we’d drive ourselves over state lines to get some action!


17. Unusual Diseases

After Spiegel’s story about malaria the other day, the guys talk with each other about the more unusual illnesses they’ve had. Callers chime in with their own tales as well!


16. Zyn For The Win

After Justin saw that Joe had some Zyn nicotine pouches on him, he decided to throw one in his upper lip!


15. Spiegel’s Cataracts

Josh had cataracts surgery this year, and when he returned from the operation, the guys reflect on their cohosts incredible journey to restoring his vision back to what is used to be!


14. The Name That is Short for Richard

A conversation about the name ‘Dick’ ensues, and questions about whether people still use it as a shortening for ‘Richard’, especially when you consider what the name is more commonly associated with.


13. Brandon Novak Interview

Baltimore native, Brandon Novak, sat down with the guys for an interview. Novak is a former professional skateboarder and “CKY Crew” member, along with his occasional appearances in the MTV Shows Jackass, and Viva La Bam. Since then, he has found great success as a motivational speaker in drug addiction recovery, which led to the founding of Novak’s House.


12. Justin Recaps His Japan Trip

Justin took a trip to Japan this spring, and when he returned from his surprise vacation to the Far East, he obviously had to recap his time away!


11. Seven Rings: Spiegel Wins Another Murrow!

Spiegel entered elite company this year as he tied Tom Brady in the accomplishments department with his SEVENTH Murrow award!

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